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Diuretic Complex 90 cps

Diuretic Complex

Food supplement

Packaging: 90 capsules

Contains caffeine (110 mg per serving). Not recommended for children or pregnant women.

AmixTM Diuretic Complex was developed for maximum definition of muscular tonus throughout the body. It contains complex of diuretic substances, which help to ensure the removal of excess water and fat. Contains natural extracts and vitamin B6.


  • Herbal complex with Dandelion and Asparagus extracts
  • with Vitamin B6

Dandelion » Supports urinary and gastrointestinal health.

Asparagus Racemosus » Supports urinary function and digestive health.

Green Tea » Supports metabolism, fat oxidation and contributes to normal body weight.

Guarana » Helps with fat metabolism, contributes to normal body weight and normal physical and mental vitality.

Uva-Ursi and Rose Hips » Contribute to healthy bladder and kidney health.

Stinging Nettle » Contributes renal elimination and oragnism draining and excretory function of the kidneys.

Parsley » Supports normal kidneys function.

Betula Pendula » Contributes to digestive health, detoxification and health of lower urinary tract – kidneys.

Methocel® is a registered trademark of the Dow Chemical Company.

Supplement Facts:
Serving size: 6 capsules     Servings per container: 15
Active ingredients Amount per serving
Dandelion root extract 4:1 1 000 mg
Arctostaphylos uva ursi leaf extract (20% Arbutine) 500 mg
Guarana seeds dried extract (22% caffeine) 500 mg
Asparagus racemosus root extract (5:1) 300 mg
Stinging nettle root extract 10:1 (whole herb) 300 mg
Watermelon dried extract 250 mg
Green tea extract (25% polyphenols) 200 mg
Parsley extract 10:1 100 mg
Betula pendula bark 10:1 100 mg
Rose hips extract 40 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hcl) 10 mg (714%*)
*DNRV – Daily nutrient reference value
6,999 kr
EnzyGEN 90cap

AmixTM EnzyGEN is a food supplement in capsule form for maximal supporting your digestive functions.

The content of two ingredients like enzyme complex DigeZyme® and naturally derived patented plant enzyme ingredient Aminogen® is a perfect relation for everybody who needs to support his digestion, especially the sportsmen using special diet.


  • » Proteases for digesting of proteins
  • » Amylases for digesting of carbohydrates
  • » Lipases for digesting of fats

Ingredients: anticaking agent: microcrystalline cellulose, DigeZyme® multienzyme complex (maltodextrin, amylase, lipase, lactase, cellulase, bacterial neutral protease), vegetable capsule (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, purified water, dye: calcium carbonate), Aminogen® (maltodextrin, protease blend), anticaking agents: magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide.



Allergen warning: It may contain traces of milk, eggs, soybeans, gluten and shellfish (crustaceans and molluscs).

Warning: Do not use this product if you are pregnant or nursing. The product is not designed for children. Keep away from children. Do not exceed recommended daily dosage! Consumption of this food supplement you should consult with your healthcare practitioner. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C in cool dry place away from sunlight. The product should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. The producer is not liable for any damage caused by improper use or storage.

Supplement Facts:
Serving size: 1 capsule Servings per container: 90
Active ingredients: Amount per Serving
EnzyGEN (contains DigeZyme® & AminoGen®) 250 mg
Amylase 4245 U
Protease 5068 U
Cellulase 36 U
Lactase 747 U
Lipase 183 U
4,999 kr
N-A-C - BOX 120cps

AmixPro® GlyN-A-C is a combination of N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine and Glycine enriched by Vitamin C and Zinc, which contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress and to the normal function of the immune systemZinc furthemore contributes to normal cognitive function, to normal protein synthesis and helps with the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood. Vitamin C contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism.

Ingredients: N-acetyl-L-cysteine, L-glycine, vegetable capsule (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, purified water, dye: calcium carbonate), ascorbic acid (vit. C), ChelaZone® Zinc Bisglycinate chelate, anticaking agents: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide.

Allergen warning: It may contain traces of milk, eggs, soybeans, gluten and shellfish (crustaceans and molluscs).

Warning: Do not use this product if you are pregnant or nursing. The product is not designed for children. The product should be stored out of reach of young children. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose! Consumption of this food supplement you should consult with your healthcare practitioner. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C in cool dry place away from sunlight. The product should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. The producer is not liable for any damage caused by improper use or storage.

Supplement Facts:
Serving size: 2 capsules Servings per container: 60
Amount per Serving 2 capsules
N-acetyl-L-cysteine 700 mg
L-glycine 600mg
Vitamin C 100 mg (125%*)
Zinc 20 mg (200%*)

* DRNV - Daily Nutrient Reference Value

3,999 kr

Recommended portioning
Take a portion of the product (1 tablet) once a day with water. Do not exceed 1 serving per day (1 tablet).

Diet supplement. The product is intended for people over 18 years of age. Do not consume if you are allergic to any of the product ingredients. The product should not be consumed if you are taking sedative, hypnotic or antiepileptic drugs; Do not use in children, pregnant or lactating women. Do not exceed recommended servings for consumption during the day. A dietary supplement cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended. The product may contain cereals containing gluten, milk, soy, eggs and related products.

BioPerine® is a registered trademark of Sabinsa. KSM-66 Ashwagandha® is a registered trademark of Marke von Ixoreal Biomed Inc.

Nutritional value: 1 capsule / tablet 0,5 capsule / tablet (1 portion)
KSM-66 organic withania somnifera extract 400 mg 200 mg
-including withanolides 20 mg 10 mg
BioPerine® black pepper extract 1,1 mg 0,5 mg
- including piperine 1 mg 0,5 mg
Ingredients:ksm-66 withania somnifera root extract, bulking agent: micro-crystalline cellulose, anti-caking agents: silicon dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids, bioperine® black pepper fruit extract
Allergenspotassium (potassium citrate), milk, soy, eggs and derived products
Take a portion of the product (½ tablet) once a day with water. Do not exceed 1 portion per day (½ tablet).
4,999 kr
Supports the proper balance of electrolytes in the body
Supports the circulatory system
It is a non-protogenic amino acid, i.e. it is not a part of body proteins, but is essential in their transformation processes. It is perfect for people who practice sports and move around.
Conditioner composition:
taurine, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, silica.
Recommended portioning
One capsule daily on an empty stomach
Nutritional values
Portion 1 cap.
Number of servings per package: 100
Package: 100 caps.
Content of one serving incl.:
Taurine 500mg
3,499 kr

Supplements iron deficiencies

Supports hematopoietic processes

Supports cell functioning and growth

A natural, highly bioavailable form of iron

Iron is an essential nutrient for human health, playing an important role in immunological processes, circulatory system function, cardiovascular function and the development of cognitive processes.
Recommended portioning
One capsule a day

Do not exceed recommended servings for consumption during the day.

The product cannot be used as a substitute for a properly varied diet. The product is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.


ALLNUTRITION HEALTH & CARE CURCUMIN C3 LIVER is a product from the Health & Care series, distinguished by the highest quality ingredients that work together to create a powerful formula. The supplement contains branded ingredients: BioPerine® and Curcumin C3 Complex®, which is considered the best-tested turmeric in the world.

The Health & Care line of vegetarian supplements is distinguished not only by high quality, but also by perfectly selected ingredients that work in perfect harmony with each other.

What makes Health & Care unique is not just the individual ingredients, but their synergistic combination. The product has the "TYPE ALPHA" mark - this mark indicates dietary supplements based on patented, branded ingredients whose effectiveness has been confirmed by research.

Curcumin C3 Complex® has been described as a safe product. It is an extract from dried turmeric rhizomes, standardized to a minimum of 95% curcuminoids [1]. Curcumin has a wide range of health applications in traditional Indian healthcare systems.

BioPerine® added to the formula is a key element of synergy, ensuring effectiveness. It is a patented, standardized extract obtained from black pepper, containing not less than 95% piperine. A clinically proven agent that increases the bioavailability of nutrients [2].

Artichoke extract made from artichoke - one of the oldest vegetables that has long been recognized around the world. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. Additionally, it contains inulin, which is a form of soluble dietary fiber fraction.

Milk thistle is a plant from the Asteraceae family, whose seeds are used for health purposes, mainly due to the content of active substances such as silymarin.

Rosemary is a herb from the Mediterranean basin, with a characteristic aromatic scent. It contains various bioactive ingredients such as flavonoids, phenolic acids and essential oils, mainly camphor, cineole and borneol.

See for yourself the power of synergy contained in HEALTH & CARE CARE CURCUMIN C3 LIVER!

[1] https://sabinsa.com.pl/pl/produkty-i-uslugi/skladniki-gras/curcumin-c3-complex
[2] Basu, T.K.: The influence of drugs with particular reference to aspirin on bioavailability of Vitamin C; in Counsell, Hornig, Vitamin C, pp.273-281 (Applied Science Publishers, Barking 1981)
Recommended portioning
Take 1 capsule a day during a meal with water.

Diet supplement. The product is intended for people over 18 years of age. Do not consume if you are allergic to any of the product ingredients. It is not recommended for use in children, pregnant and lactating women. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended. The product may contain derivatives of: cereals containing gluten, milk, soy and eggs. Always close the packaging after use.

Best before end / batch number: at the bottom of the package. Store in a dry and cool place, out of the reach of small children.

CURCUMIN C3 COMPLEX® is an IP protected ingredient from Sabinsa. BioPerine® is a registered trademark of Sabinsa.

4,499 kr
Supports physical and mental activity
Helps with regeneration
Supports brain function
It is an exogenous amino acid, i.e. it is not produced by our body in sufficient quantity and requires supplementation from the diet or supplements. L-tyrosine increases physical and mental activity, increases motivation, increases resistance to stress and improves well-being.
Recommended portioning
One capsule a day.
Do not exceed recommended servings for consumption during the day.
The product cannot be used as a substitute for a properly varied diet. The product is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Nutritional values
Portion 1 cap.
Number of servings per package: 100
Package 100 pcs.
Content of one serving incl.:
L-Tyrosine 500mg
3,499 kr
A serving provides as much as 650mg of betaine hcl
150mg pepsin per serving
Up to 120 days of supplementation
Easy-to-swallow capsules
BETAINE is an amino acid - it is also known as trimethylglycine (TMG). It is a derivative of glycine, the simplest protein amino acid. TMG was first isolated in the 19th century from sugar beets (Beta vulgaris - Beta is the Latin generic name for beets). This is where its common name betaine comes from, which over time became used to describe a whole class of compounds of this type, and TMG itself was distinguished as glycine betaine.
Betaine's task and its occurrence:
Its most important task is to help maintain proper homocysteine metabolism. The beneficial effect occurs when consuming 1.5 g of betaine per day.
TMG (anhydrous betaine) can be produced in the human body in limited amounts, but to replenish its supply, it is good to choose appropriate products. Rich sources of trimethylglycine are mainly goji berries, wheat bran and germ, raw and canned beets, spinach, and seafood - shrimp and mussels.
Pepsin and its role:
Pepsin - the active form of pepsinogen, an enzyme secreted by glandular cells (master cells) of the stomach. Pepsin is a component of gastric juice. Pepsinogen is converted into pepsin under the influence of the acidic content of gastric juice.
Recommended portioning
Take 1 capsule a day with water.
Do not use on an empty stomach.
The product is intended for people over 18 years of age. Do not consume if you are allergic to any of the product ingredients. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. The product cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended. *The beneficial effect occurs when consuming 1.5 g of betaine per day. Daily intake exceeding 4 g can significantly increase blood cholesterol levels. Always close the packaging after use.
Nutritional values
Portion 1 cap
Number of servings per package: 120
Package of 120 capsules
INGREDIENTS Betaine HCL + Pepsin
Content of one serving incl.:
Betaine HCl 650 mg
Pepsin 1:3000 MDP 150 mg
3,999 kr

New unique Naticol ® fish collagen peptide

It protects, nourishes and regenerates the connective tissue

It protects joints, joint capsules, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and bone tissue

Faster post-traumatic recovery

The new Flexit Gold Drink contains the unique fish collagen peptide Naticol ®, produced as a result of enzymatic hydrolysis, and which is characterized by a low molecular weight.

Sample composition: blackcurrant flavor - hydrolyzed fish collagen 25%, gelatin hydrolyzate, maltodextrin, potassium salt of glucosamine sulphate (from crustaceans), chondroitin sulphate, acidity regulator citric acid, MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), Boswellia serrata extract (20% beta acids boswellic acids, 10% acetyl-keto-beta-boswellic acids) - Boswellin® PS, acidity regulator malic acid, L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), stabilizers acacia gum and xanthan gum, aroma, mix of beetroot concentrates and spirulina extract, anti-caking agents: calcium phosphate and silicon dioxide, black carrot concentrate, sweeteners: sucralose and steviol glycosides, hyaluronic acid (sodium salt), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), cholecalciferol (vitamin D). The product may contain traces of soy and milk proteins.
Portioning recommended
Mix a portion of 20 g in 250 ml of water. Use in the morning on an empty stomach.

Be sure to increase your fluid intake! Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Usage: 20 g = 3/4 scoop. Mix the recommended amount in water.

After opening, store at a temperature of up to 25 ° C and consume within 2 months. Shake before use.

Note: Dietary supplement. Contains sweeteners.
The product cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. The product is not intended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Keep out of reach of small children! Store in a dry place, at a temperature of up to 25 ° C, out of direct sunlight. Protect against frost. The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper storage or use.

Nutritional values
Portion 20g
Number of servings in the package 20
400g package
INGREDIENTS Flexit Gold Drink
The content of one serving incl.: % RDA
Vitamin C 80mg 100%
Vitamin B6 4mg 286%
Vitamin D 6 µg 120%
Collagen protein 9,000 mg
Chondroitin sulfate 1,200 mg
Glucosamine sulphate 1,500 mg
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 300mg
Boswellia serrata extract 200 mg
Hyaluronic acid (sodium salt) 20 mg

5,999 kr
GreenDay® Vitamin E 400 I.U. LIFE+ 200cap

GreenDay® Vitamin E 400 I.U. LIFE+

Food supplement

Packaging: 200 capsules. Net Weight: 152 g.

GreenDay® Vitamin E 400 I.U. LIFE+ is a food supplement high in vitamin E and vitamin C as minerals selenium + zinc. This combination is health benefit for the protection of cells from oxidative stress, contributes to maintain the normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise and to the maintenance of normal skin, nails, hair and bones.


  • » with Zinc Chelate (bisglycinate)
  • » for increased workload
  • » against oxidative stress
  • » for people with problematic skin, brittle nails or damaged hair
Supplement Facts:
Serving size: 2 capsules Servings per container: 100
Active ingredients Amount per Serving
Vitamin E 400 I.U. (as dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate) 268 mg (2233%*)
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 192 mg (240%*)
Selenium (as selenium yeast GoldCell®) 200 mcg (363%*)
Zinc (as zinc bisglycinate) 15 mg (150%*)
*DNRV – Daily Nutrient Reference Values
2,999 kr
GreenDay® Super Greens Smooth Drink 360g Green Apple

GreenDay® Super Greens Smooth Drink

Food supplement with sweeteners and flavour.

Net Weight: 360 g. Flavour: Apple

GreenDay® Super Greens Smooth Drink is a food supplement for preparing a luxurious tasty green shake full of energy and antioxidants. It contains Greens Complex, VitaVeggie® and VitaBerry® for your weight control and digestive health.

VitaVeggie® is an all-vegetable, high antioxidant (ORAC) capacity blend that is rich in phenolics from vegetable concentrates, as well as fully intact vegetable phytochemicals from freeze-dried vegetable powders. VitaVeggie combines the nutrients and antioxidants of broccoli, broccoli sprouts, tomatoes, spinach, kale, carrots, brussels sprouts and onion.

VitaBerry® is a proprietary formula that combines wild blueberry, cranberry, raspberry, strawberry, prune, cherry, wild bilberry and grape whole powders and extracts into lines of custom blends. High in fruit polyphenols, anthocyanins, proanthocyanins, ellagic acid, chlorogenic acid, resveratrol and quinic acid, VitaBerry offers 6,000 ORAC units in just one gram.


  • » A great way to increase antioxidants intake.
  • » Supports the defense of your body against harmful chemicals and toxin that can cause damage and promote signs of ageing.
  • » Contains ingredients like an algae (spirulina, chlorella) for weight control.
Supplement Facts:
Serving size:  2 scoops (12 g) Servings per container: 30
Active ingredients Amount per Serving
Super Greens Complex 6 000 mg
Chlorella powder, Spirulina, Wheat grass powder, Barley grass powder  
Super Vita Complex 1 000 mg
VitaVeggie® Anti-Oxidants Blend – broccoli sprout concentrate, onion extract, tomato, broccoli, carrot, spinach, kale, brussel sprout  
VitaBerry® Hi ORAC Fruit Blend – grape and grape seed extract, wild blueberry and wild blueberry extract, raspberry and raspberry seed concentrate,
cranberry, prune, tart cherry, wild bilberry extract, strawberry
6,999 kr
ProVegan Multi VIP 60tab

GreenDay® ProVegan Multi VIP

Food supplement

Packaging: 60 tablets

GreenDay® ProVegan Multi VIP is the most complete formula providing a high potency blend of vitamins and minerals along with a complete fruit & vegetable complex and vitamin D. GreenDay® ProVegan Multi VIP are specially coated to protect the delicate nutrients from being broken down by stomach acids before being fully absorbed.


Serving size: 1 tablet Servings per container: 60
Active ingredients: per 1 tablet
Vitamin A (as 67% beta-carotene/ 33% palmitate) 1 500 mcg (188%*)
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 167 mg (209%*)
Vitamin D-3 (as cholecalciferol) 3,3 mcg (66%*)
Vitamin E (as d-Alpha tocopheryl succinate) 22 mg (183%*)
Thiamin (as thiamine mononitrate) 17 mg (1545%*)
Riboflavin 17 mg (1214%*)
Niacin (as niacin granular) 3,3 mg (21%*)
Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine HCI) 17 mg (1214%*)
Folate (135.00 mcg folic acid) 225 mcg DFE (68%*)
Vitamin B-12 (as cyanocobalamin) 33 mcg (1320%*)
Biotin 33 mcg (66%*)
Pantothenic Acid (as d-calcium pantothenate) 6,7 mg (112%*)
Calcium (as phosphate/ citrate) 58 mg (7%)
Phosphorus (as dicalcium phosphate) 24 mg (3%*)
Magnesium Chelate 33 mg (9%*)
Zinc Chelate 5 mg (50%*)
Selenium Chelate 17 mcg (31%*)
Copper  0,07 mg (7%*)
Manganese (as sulfate) 0,7 mg (35%*)
Chromium (as polynicotinate) 17 mcg (43%*)
Potassium (as citrate) 17 mg (1%*)
Choline (as choline bitartrate) 10 mg
Enzyme Complex from plants(Consisting of Bromelain, Papain, Amylase and Lipase) 25 mg
Spirulina Algae 167 mg
Wheat Grass Powder (aerial plant) 67 mg
Safflower Powder (flower) 33 mg
Lecithin 25 mg
lnositol 25 mg
Citrus Bioflavonoids 50% Complex 17 mg
Gotu Kola Powder (aerial parts) 17 mg
Echinacea purpurea Root Powder 8,3 mg
Green Tea 98% Extract (dried leaves) 8,3 mg
PABA (para-Aminobenzoic Acid) 5 mg
Psyllium Husk Powder (hulls) 5 mg
Oat 10:1 Extract (aerial parts) 5 mg
Apple Pectin (Malus domestica) (fruit) 5 mg
Chlorophyll (as sodium copper chlorophyllin) 5 mg
Lactobacillus acidophilus 6,7 mg Million CFU*
Octacosanol 5 mcg
Peat Extract (providing all 72 naturally-occurring trace minerals) 1 mg
Kelp (thallus) 70 mcg
Boron Chelate 9 mcg
42 Fruit & Vegetable Proprietary Blend 105 mg
Consisting of: Blueberry Fruit, Cranberry Fruit, Grape Seed, Strawberry Fruit, Raspberry Fruit, Pomegranate Fruit, Bilberry Fruit, Alfalfa Leaf, Carrot Root, Beet Root, Broccoli (floret & stalk), Acai Fruit (Euterpe oleracea), Chokeberry Fruit, Apple (fruit), Apple Pectin Fruit, Maqui Berry (Aristote/ia chilensis), Grape Skin, Black Cherry Fruit, Tomato Fruit, Barley (aerial part), CelerySeed, Chlorella, Black Currant Fruit, Artichoke Leaf, Mango Fruit, Pineapple Fruit, Spirulina, Dandelion Root, Wheat Grass Leaf, Green Tea Leaf, Milk Thistle Seed, Eleutherococcus senticosus Root, Ashitaba Leaf, Bing Cherry Fruit, Elderberry Fruit Goji Berry (Lycium barbarum), Grapefruit Fruit, Mangosteen Fruit, Spinach Leat, Taiit Cherry Skin, Papaya Fruit and Asian Pear (Pyrus pyrifoiia)
*DNRV – Daily nutrient reference value 
5,999 kr
ProVegan MultiGreens Vitality & Energy - Orange 300g

GreenDay® ProVegan MultiGreens Vitality & Energy

Food supplement with sweeteners and flavour.

Packaging: 300g

MultiGreens Vitality & Energy is a Food supplement for preparing a refreshing and tasty green drink with content of great antioxidants, vitality and energy providing compounds. It contains an advanced complex for weight control, healthy digestion and body cleansing.

Supplement Facts:
Serving size: 10g (2 scoops) Serving per container: 30
Active ingredients  Amount per serving
Multi Greens Vitality & Energy Complex  
Young wheat grass, Young barely grass, Baobab, Moringa, Spinach, Mentha, Chlorella, Spirulina, Camu-camu, Chaga, Matcha, Alfalfa extract - 5 % flavones (Medicago Sativa)
5,999 kr
Ashwagandha KMS-66 Pure 600 60vcap

Ashwagandha KMS-66 Pure

Food supplement

Packaging: 60 Vege-capsules

GreenDays® ProVegan Ashwagandha KSM-66 Pure is a food supplement in vegetable capsule with content of patented extract (KSM-66) from the root of Withinia somnifera L. known as Ashwagandha.

KSM-66 Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is the flagship herb of Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine from India.

Ashwagandha promotes balance in the body. It is an adaptogenic herb that helps the body successfully adapt to stressful conditions.

Ashwagandha is one of the few herbs with significant effects on both psychological and physiological aspects of human functioning.

Supplement Facts:
Serving size: 1 cps Serving per container: 
Active ingredients Average value per serving
Ashwagandha (withania somnifera) 500 mg
from which 5% withanolides 25 mg
3,999 kr
GreenDay Greens & Reds+Fruity 250g

GreenDay® Greens & Reds+

Food supplement with sweetener and flavour.

Net Weight: 250 g.

GreenDay® Greens & Reds+ is a perfect solution in instant powder form for preparing a green shake full of energy, vitamins, minerals as well as antioxidants. It contains more than 33 super foods, fruit and vegetable extracts, algae, super fruits, vitamins, enzymes and probiotics.


  • » A great way to increase vitamin and mineral intake
  • » Supports the defense of your body against harmful chemicals and toxin that can cause damage and promote signs of ageing
  • » Contains ingredients like an algae (spirulina, chlorella) and the others for weight control
  • » For better digestion enzymes and probiotics
Supplement Facts:
Serving size: 1 scoop (6 g) Servings per container: 41
Active ingredients Amount Per Serving
Greens Complex wheat grass powder, barley grass powder, alfalfa powder, spirulina powder,
spinach concentrate, chlorella extract, broccoli sprouts, green tea extract, ginkgo biloba
2 728 mg
Reds Complex beet root powder, tomato powder, acerola extract, acai berry extract, raspberry fruit powder, blueberry fruit powder 657 mg
Vita Complex citrus bioflavonoids powder, carrot powder, flax seed powder, fructooligosaccharides, quercetin, grape seed extract, resveratrol,
ginger extract, apple pectin powder, echinacea purpurea powder, papaya fruit powder, cocoa extract, aspergillus oryzae powder, turmeric extract
1 023 mg
Probio Complex lactobacillus sporogenes 14,6 billion cfu/gm, lipase 146 M units 34 mg
Vitamin C as calcium and magnesium ascorbate 97 mg (121 %*)
Vitamin A as beta carotene 1,5 mg (187 %*)
* DNRV- Daily nutrient reference value
6,999 kr
B-Complex LIFE-FORTE+ - NATURAL 60cap


Food supplement

Packaging: 90 capsules

GreenDay® B-Complex LIFE-FORTE+ contains a unique Lalmin® B-complex Vitamins which is an inactivated dried whole cell yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) containing elevated levels of B-complex vitamins (Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pyridoxine, Pantothenic acid, Folic acid, Biotin and Cobalamin).

The natural yeast fermentation is supplemented with low levels of B-complex vitamins. The yeast cream is pasteurized and then spray-dried or roller-dried and grinded. This process allows the vitamins to interact with the yeast cell components and the gentle processing conditions then preserve the level of the vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients

Supplement Facts:
Serving size: 1 capsule Servings per container: 60
Active ingredients Source Per 1 capsule % DNRV*
Vitamin B1 Thiamine HCl 1,5 mg 136 %
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin 1,6 mg 114 %
Vitamin B3 Niacin 16 mg 100 %
Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid 5,5 mg 91,6 %
Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine HCl 2,2 mg 157 %
Vitamin B9 Folic Acid 400 mcg 200 %
Vitamin B7 Biotin 150 mcg 300 %
Vitamin B12 Cobalamin 6 mcg 240 %
*DNRV - Daily Nutrient Reference Value
2,999 kr

Nutritional values
Portion 14g
Number of servings in the package 20
Packaging 280g
Content of one serving: % RDA
L-glutamine 3500 mg
L-arginine hydrochloride 1450 mg
- including L-arginine 1200 mg
L-ornithine hydrochloride 850 mg
- including L-ornithine 500 mg
L-lysine hydrochloride 750 mg
- including L-lysine 600 mg
GABA 750mg
L-tryptophan 500 mg
KSM-66 ashwagandha extract 200 mg
- including withanolides 10 mg
L-theanine 150 mg
Saffron extract 25 mg
- including crocin 1.25 mg
Melatonin 1 mg
Magnesium 288mg 77%
Zinc 10.5mg 105%
Vitamin B6 5mg 357%

4,999 kr

The use of Happyrose should be started 10 days before the onset of menstruation and continued until the product is used up. Thanks to this, the body is supported in key areas long before potential ailments appear.

Take a portion of the product (3 tablets) twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon, drinking plenty of water. Do not exceed 2 servings a day (6 tablets).

2 servings a day - only three tablets in the morning and in the afternoon - will allow you to benefit from the positive effects of the ingredients contained in Happy Rose throughout the day. Therefore, HAPPYROSE is an innovative product created with women in mind and the inconveniences they have to deal with during premenstrual syndrome.

Good mood, deep sleep and a lot of energy are important elements of a successful day and if something is to disturb these elements, it should be counteracted.

Diet supplement. The product is intended for a healthy population of adults up to 75 years of age. The product should not be consumed if you are taking sedative, hypnotic or antiepileptic drugs, and should not be used by children, pregnant or lactating women. Do not consume if you are allergic to any ingredient. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. The dietary supplement cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended. The product may contain derivatives of: cereals containing gluten, milk, soya, eggs. Always close the packaging after use.

Saffr'Activ® is a trademark of Comercial Quimica Massó S.A.

Simag™ is a trademark of Nexira.

KSM-66 is a trademark of Ixoreal BioMed.

4,999 kr
SUNROSE 120 tab

Improves the skin
Protection of the body against UV radiation
I provide an adjustable tan
Delays the aging process of the body

What do women dream about after a long day, especially when summer is great and steps forward? Of course about the tan! However, electronically secured and tan is not a simple matter. It depends on many factors and the fact that each woman has different, dependent on herself.

We have a wide range of complexions, which causes some women to tan single, multi-colored or inflexible. Some of us spend too much time in the sun, which can be used that the tan is too intense or auxiliary, we prefer to rest in the shade. News also how easy it is to lose your tan after the last days of vacation. Does this concern issues related to the fact that tanning can be for premature aging of the skin and because we dream of a caramel tan, we give it up. This is due to radiation destroying fibroblasts, which is responsible for the waste and elastin, which causes the appearance of premature signs of skin aging, including wrinkles. It is also important to improve the skin before going on holiday and preparing for contact with the sun.

What is SUNROSE?
SUNROSE is a nutricosmetic, the composition of which has been specially released for women to treat the skin, prepare it for contact with sunlight, ensure its pigmentation, fix the tan, and protect it against UV rays. SUNROSE consists of carotenoids, minerals and other sources of origin, selected in such a way that all aspects that affect the tan.

What control features does SUNROSE include?

AstaZine® - Haematococcus pluvialis microalgae
Microalgae for aquatic organisms, which, due to their properties, are used in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Microalgae are cables of carotenoids - red, orange and yellow plant pigments, and astaxanthin belonging to this group, especially abundant in Haematococcus pluvialis algae, is one of the main antioxidants in existence.

In SUNROSE, we used the approved and certified AstaZine® component, standardized for transmission astaxanthin content from an outgoing Haematococcus pluvialis culture with access to clean water from the Himalayas. AstaZine® is billed as the purest and most concentrated astaxanthin in the world. Related to SUNROSE's performance is the fact that natural astaxanthin is up to 90 times more effective than synthetic.

Ingredient of ten free radical control agents, slowing down the cleaning process of the skin by UV radiation and improving its effectiveness.

CaroCare® - natural Beta-carotene
Beta-carotene is a compound that also belongs to the group of carotenoids. In SUNROSE, beta-carotene of primary origin identified and standardized for the protective content in the form of the CaroCare® complex, distinguished by its durability and updating. Beta-carotene itself is known as provitamin A, which is the form from which our body can synthesize vitamin A on its own. Vitamin A helps in leaving the mucous membranes and infecting the condition of our skin. The daily dose of SUNROSE contains such an amount of freedom A that covers 100% of the daily requirement.

The properties of beta-carotene make its supplementation an excellent way to prepare the skin for a summer tan. Beta-carotene accumulates in the epidermis, the effect of light-kissed skin. It also prolongs the permanent tan and improves its quality. Additional dye components for the production of melanin, formed by the skin from a slight darkening, without the need to apply it to the light.

It is worth knowing that beta-carotene additionally protects against discoloration and sun spots, which are very common with regular and thorough tanning. Beta-carotene neutralizes the effects of free radicals and the delayed care effect on the skin.

Quercetin from Japanese pagoda tree - Sophora japonica
Quercetin is a flavonoid naturally occurring in plants with strong biological properties. It is known for its health-promoting properties affecting the entire body. Therefore, SUNROSE protects against the process of skin destruction and prevents its damage caused by UV radiation.

Bitter orange fruit extract (Citrus aurantium) standardized to 50% hesperidin
Hesperidin is a yellow dye belonging to the group of flavonoid compounds, which is also one of the most important bioflavonoids found in nature. The properties of hesperidin are commonly used in cosmetics. It affects the reduction of skin redness, reduces the burning sensation and soothes irritations. Its ability to block the hyaluronidase enzyme inhibits the breakdown of hyaluronic acid in the body.

Green tea extract (98% polyphenols, 80% catechins, 55% EGCG)
SUNROSE also uses green tea extract standardized for the content of polyphenols, catechins and EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate - a derivative of catechins). Green tea extract has a whole range of beneficial properties, including: helps remove toxins and adds energy. Thanks to its antioxidant effect, it slows down the aging process, soothes irritations and inflammations of the skin, reduces swelling and discoloration. The positive effect of the extract on the skin has been appreciated by cosmetics manufacturers.

L-tyrosine is one of the amino acids that build muscle proteins, but its use does not end only with the support of athletes. L-tyrosine is involved in the synthesis of melanin (the pigment found in our skin). Melanin production is not possible without this amino acid. This affects the proper pigmentation of the skin, which indirectly affects the protection of the skin against UV radiation.

Rosehip standardized to 70% vitamin C
Rosehip is widely known as a rich source of active substances with healing properties, but less people know that it has also been used in cosmetics due to its care properties. It improves the condition of the skin, and thanks to the high content of vitamin C, it has an antioxidant effect and prevents skin aging. Vitamin C also counteracts the oxidation of vitamin E.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E helps protect cells from free radicals. It accelerates cell regeneration processes and provides the skin with elasticity. SUNROSE contains 200% of the daily requirement for vitamin E. Vitamin E in combination with vitamin A more effectively supports the production of melanin during sunbathing.

Zinc and copper
In SUNROSE you will also find zinc in the form of zinc citrate, which is one of the most absorbable forms of this element, and copper from copper diglycinate in such amounts that they provide 100% of the daily requirement for these elements. Zinc strengthens the skin and supports its functioning. It counteracts such problems as stretch marks, acne, dry skin, irritation and burns, and the formation of wrinkles. Copper is involved in the production of melanin, the main pigment of skin and hair. It also helps protect cells from oxidative stress.

Bioperine® Black Pepper Extract
Bioperine® black pepper extract, containing piperine, improves the absorption of the other ingredients of the preparation and increases their potency. Bioperine® is a thoroughly researched and patented form of piperine. Unlike ordinary black pepper extracts containing up to 9% piperine, Bioperine® is standardized to a minimum content of 95%.

SUNROSE is the perfect solution for you!

When is SUNROSE?
Take a portion of the product (2 tablets) twice a day with plenty of water. Do not exceed 2 servings per day (4 tablets).
Portioning recommended
Take a portion of the product (2 tablets) twice a day with plenty of water. Do not exceed 2 servings per day (4 tablets).

Do not consume if you are allergic to any of the ingredients, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. High content of vitamin C. Do not use in people suffering from kidney stones and having a tendency to form kidney stones. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. The dietary supplement cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended. The product may contain derivatives of: cereals containing gluten, milk, soya, eggs. Always close the packaging after use.

AstaZine® is a registered trademark of BGG.

CaroCare® is a trademark of DSM.

BioPerine® is a registered trademark of Sabinsa.

5,999 kr
ROSEBIOTIC 30 pastilles

Take 1 tab a day (swallowing, sucking or chewing), preferably with a meal.

Diet supplement. Contains sweeteners. The product is intended for people over 18 years of age. Consumption in excessive amounts may have a laxative effect. Do not consume if you are allergic to any of the product ingredients. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. The dietary supplement cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended. Always close the packaging after use.

Ingredients: sweetener: xylitol, fructooligosaccharides, sweetener: isomalt, bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose, LAB2PROTM bacterial mix [contains soy] (Streptococcus thermophilus CBT ST3LAB2PRO , Lactobacillus plantarum CBT LP3LAB2PRO , L. acidophilus CBT LA1LAB2PRO , L. rhamnosus CBT LR5LAB2PRO, Bifidobacterium longum CBT BG7LAB2PRO , B. breve CBT BR3LAB2PRO ), starch, flavor [contains milk], emulsifier: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, anti-caking agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids, flavor.

Nutritional values
Serving size: 1 tab
Number of servings in the package 30
Pack of 30 tablets
The content of one serving incl.:
LAB2PRO TM bacterial mix: 3x109 CFU*
Streptococcus thermophilus CBT ST3LAB2PRO TM 1.5x109 cfu*
Lactobacillus plantarum CBT LP3LAB2PRO TM 4.3x108 cfu*
Lactobacillus acidophilus CBT LA1LAB2PRO TM 3.6x108 cfu*
Lactobacillus rhamnosus CBT LR5LAB2PRO TM 2.9x108 cfu*
Bifidobacterium longum CBT BG7LAB2PRO TM 2.1x108 cfu*
Bifidobacterium breve CBT BR3LAB2PRO TM 2.1x108 cfu*
* cfu - colony-forming units

5,999 kr

ALLDEYNN COLLAROSE FISH is an ideal supplement for women who want to supplement their diet with all the necessary ingredients necessary to maintain a healthy and youthful-looking skin. Formula supplementing the diet with collagen obtained from fish and enriched with hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and biotin. The product is recommended especially for women who care about a beautiful appearance and who want to slow down the aging process of the skin and improve its firmness, color and elasticity.

COLLAROSE FISH contains the patented and produced by the German pharmaceutical concern GELITA fish collagen hydrolyzate, VERISOL, which affects the production of collagen from the inside, creating new collagen fibers in the area of ​​the entire skin, especially the face.

The GELITA company has developed this product for its use in nutricosmetology and has clinical trials confirming its effectiveness.

Advantages of using VERISOL included in COLLAROSE FISH:

VERISOL consists of special collagen peptides – important ingredients supporting healthy skin. When used orally, VERISOL systematically influences collagen metabolism in the dermis, and not only reaches the outer layers of the skin as creams and other topical products do.

VERISOL influences the collagen metabolism in the skin directly from the inside. It increases skin hydration and delays the formation of wrinkles.

VERISOL supplementation has a positive effect on the extracellular matrix of the skin and can help reduce cellulite. Unlike current cellulite supplements, which mainly deal with the problems of excess body fat or microcirculation / drainage, VERISOL directly stimulates the formation of extracellular matrix in the skin.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a form of protein that is the main binder that connects our skin cells and accounts for as much as 80% of its dry weight. Thanks to collagen, our skin is firm and smooth. Lack of adequate amount of collagen is most visible on the face and neck, where wrinkles and imperfections appear. The skin then sags and slackens because it loses its elasticity along with the loss of collagen.

Why Fish Collagen?

Fish collagen, however, has a very important feature, it is twin similar to our own collagen. It contains a high concentration of glycine, proline and hydroxyprocillin, i.e. amino acids – compounds that build our body. There is no such structure of beef or pork collagen, only fish collagen. Due to the similarity to human collagen and biological activity, the bioavailability of fish collagen is incomparably higher than that of bovine collagen, thus giving much better results!

The power of COLLAROSE FISH has been enhanced with other active ingredients such as: Vitamin C, Biotin, and Hyaluronic Acid. Thanks to COLLAROSE FISH, you are guaranteed the synergy of action and the positive impact of many ingredients that make the skin elastic, which definitely increases the effectiveness of the product.

6,499 kr
Ashwagandha - 60 caps
2,999 kr

To meet your expectations, we have prepared your favourite collagen product COLLAROSE in the form of a handy shot. Each 80 ml bottle contains a full dose of ready-to-drink raspberry-flavoured COLLAROSE SHOT, which you can always take with you. If time is priceless for you or you don't like to ‘struggle‘ with preparing and dissolving supplements in powder form, this is the form of product for you.


Is the form of the ready-made shot worse or better than the powdered version of COLLAROSE?

The function and effectiveness of both products is exactly the same because the doses of all active ingredients, i.e. collagen peptides, vitamin C, biotin, hyaluronic acid, in a single dose in both products are identical. The products differ only in the form of administration. Shot is a ready to drink beverage and the powdered version should be dissolved in a glass of water. 1 shot is equal to 1 measure of powder.


What is collagen?

Collagen is a form of protein that is the main glue that binds the cells of our skin together and makes up as much as 80% of its dry weight. Collagen makes our skin firm and smooth. A lack of adequate collagen is most noticeable on the face and neck, signs such as wrinkles and fine lines appear. The skin then droops and sags as it loses its elasticity with the loss of collagen.

Did you know that the name collagen comes from the Greek language, where the word ‘kolla’ means ‘glue’?


Who is COLLAROSE for?

COLLAROSE is an ideal supplement for women whose skin is exposed to excessive sunlight, people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer or telephone screen, and all those whose diet does not provide all the necessary ingredients required for healthy and young-looking skin. The product is especially recommended for women who care about their appearance and wish to slow down the skin ageing process and improve its firmness, colour and elasticity.


What distinguishes our product?

COLLAROSE SHOT is not an ordinary product based on industrial collagen used in food products or some cheap supplements. Our product features collagen in the form of bioactive collagen peptides rather than regular collagen.

COLLAROSE SHOT contains patented VERISOL collagen peptides produced by the German pharmaceutical company GELITA, which boost collagen production from the inside by creating new collagen fibres in the whole skin, especially on the face.

How does it work? The body recognises collagen peptides as incomplete forms of collagen, so it boosts natural collagen production in skin cells to rebuild their structures.

However, we have additionally reinforced its effect with other active ingredients such as: Vitamin C, Biotin, Hyaluronic Acid. Thus, when using COLLAROSE SHOT, you are guaranteed a synergy of action/positive interaction of many skin-strengthening ingredients, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the product.



The body is able to produce collagen efficiently and effectively only with adequate amounts of vitamin C. Additionally, vitamin C has a great influence on the final shape, correct and strong structure of collagen fibres.



Biotin is otherwise known as vitamin H or vitamin B7 or most commonly as the YOUTH VITAMIN. It provides us with more energy, regulates mood and improves the absorption of vitamin C. It is a unique B vitamin that has a beneficial effect on the quality of our health and life. Although biotin has many different functions, its most popular action is undoubtedly its effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails.

This is confirmed, for example, by research conducted in Switzerland, as a result of which scientists observed an increase in the thickness of nails by an average of 25% in two thirds of the respondents. It was also found that this vitamin inhibits hair loss in people suffering from its deficiency, while the skin after biotin supplementation regains its glow and firmness.


Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is an organic compound which is present in every living organism. It has a unique ability to bind water in the dermis - hygroscopic properties. One molecule of hyaluronic acid is able to bind up to 250 water molecules. This substance is naturally present in young skin in sufficient quantities to make it elastic, firm and smooth. However, with age, the amount of hyaluronic acid begins to decrease, so it loses its ability to bind water and we can observe the first wrinkles.

349 kr
Melatonin 1mg - 90 tab

VitaDiet - a dietary supplement that regulates the circadian rhythm. – helps to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. The beneficial effect occurs when you consume as little as 1 mg shortly before going to bed. It helps in alleviating the subjective feeling of jet lag syndrome. The beneficial effect is obtained by consuming a minimum of 0.5 mg shortly before going to bed on the first day of travel and for several days after arriving at your destination. Use for a few days, before going to bed, after changing the time zone.

Storage method: Store in a dry place at room temperature, out of reach of small children. Protect from light.

1,999 kr
40% DISCOUNT - Exp.Date end of 01.2024 / D3 2000IU+K2 MK7 50 mcg drops, natural vitamin in oil - 210 servings

Natural Vitamin D3 + K2 MK7 in extra virgin olive oil - the VitaMedicus dietary supplement contains only natural ingredients and no additional harmful substances.
Natural Vitamin D3 is obtained from sheep wool waxes (from lanolin).

Vitamin D and K work closely together and provide a very effective complex for the human body.

Vitamin D :
• helps in proper absorption/utilisation of calcium
and phosphorus,
• helps maintain the proper level of calcium in the blood,
• helps maintain healthy bones,
• helps in the proper functioning of muscles,
• helps maintain healthy teeth,
• helps in the proper functioning of the immune system,
• takes part in the process of cell division.

Vitamin K:
• helps maintain healthy bones
• contributes to normal blood coagulation.

The offered Vitamin K2 is produced from Natto.
Natto is fermented by special Japanese bacteria, natural, non-genetically modified soybeans.
There are various labels for Vitamin K2, the most effective of which is the naturally occurring Vitamin K2 - MK - 7 also known as Vitamin K2 - Menaquinone - 7
The absorption of the proposed vitamin K2 by the body is very effective.

olive oil, menaquinone-7 (Vitamin K), cholecalciferol (Vitamin D 2000IU).
Contains 210 portions for 210 days for one adult.
The price of a daily dose is PLN 0.33 with VAT for the patient.

Directions for use: recommended daily allowance for adults: 1 volume of the dosing pump (140 mcg) or otherwise after consulting a doctor.

Contents in the package: 210×140 mcg.
Storage method: Store in a dry place at room temperature. Protect from light. The preparation should be stored out of reach of small children.

4,499 kr


To meet your expectations, we have prepared your favourite collagen product COLLAROSE FISH in the form of a handy shot. Each 80 ml bottle contains a full dose of ready-to-drink raspberry-flavoured COLLAROSE FISH SHOT, which you can always take with you. If time is priceless for you or you don't like to ‘struggle‘ with preparing and dissolving supplements in powder form, this is the form of product for you.


Is the form of the ready-made shot worse or better than the powdered version of COLLAROSE FISH?

The function and effectiveness of both products is exactly the same because the doses of all active ingredients, i.e. collagen peptides, vitamin C, biotin, hyaluronic acid, in a single dose in both products are identical. The products differ only in the form of administration. Shot is a ready to drink beverage and the powdered version should be dissolved in a glass of water. 1 shot is equal to 1 measure of powder.


What is collagen?

Collagen is a form of protein that is the main glue that binds the cells of our skin together and makes up as much as 80% of its dry weight. Collagen makes our skin firm and smooth. A lack of adequate collagen is most noticeable on the face and neck, signs such as wrinkles and fine lines appear. The skin then droops and sags as it loses its elasticity with the loss of collagen.

Did you know that the name collagen comes from the Greek language, where the word ‘kolla’ means ‘glue’?



COLLAROSE FISH is an ideal supplement for women whose skin is exposed to excessive sunlight, people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer or telephone screen, and all those whose diet does not provide all the necessary ingredients required for healthy and young-looking skin. The product is especially recommended for women who care about their appearance and wish to slow down the skin ageing process and improve its firmness, colour and elasticity.


What distinguishes our product?

COLLAROSE FISH SHOT is not an ordinary product based on industrial collagen used in food products or some cheap supplements. Our product features collagen in the form of bioactive collagen peptides rather than regular collagen.

COLLAROSE FISH SHOT contains patented VERISOL collagen peptides produced by the German pharmaceutical company GELITA, which boost collagen production from the inside by creating new collagen fibres in the whole skin, especially on the face.

How does it work? The body recognises collagen peptides as incomplete forms of collagen, so it boosts natural collagen production in skin cells to rebuild their structures.

However, we have additionally reinforced its effect with other active ingredients such as: Vitamin C, Biotin, Hyaluronic Acid. Thus, when using COLLAROSE FISH SHOT, you are guaranteed a synergy of action/positive interaction of many skin-strengthening ingredients, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the product.



The body is able to produce collagen efficiently and effectively only with adequate amounts of vitamin C. Additionally, vitamin C has a great influence on the final shape, correct and strong structure of collagen fibres.



Biotin is otherwise known as vitamin H or vitamin B7 or most commonly as the YOUTH VITAMIN. It provides us with more energy, regulates mood and improves the absorption of vitamin C. It is a unique B vitamin that has a beneficial effect on the quality of our health and life. Although biotin has many different functions, its most popular action is undoubtedly its effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails.

This is confirmed, for example, by research conducted in Switzerland, as a result of which scientists observed an increase in the thickness of nails by an average of 25% in two thirds of the respondents. It was also found that this vitamin inhibits hair loss in people suffering from its deficiency, while the skin after biotin supplementation regains its glow and firmness.


Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is an organic compound which is present in every living organism. It has a unique ability to bind water in the dermis - hygroscopic properties. One molecule of hyaluronic acid is able to bind up to 250 water molecules. This substance is naturally present in young skin in sufficient quantities to make it elastic, firm and smooth. However, with age, the amount of hyaluronic acid begins to decrease, so it loses its ability to bind water and we can observe the first wrinkles.

349 kr

For physically active people who care about their figure

It supports slimming

It helps to remove excess water from the body

Hydromin Off is a preparation that helps eliminate toxins from the body and supports weight loss. The product is a combination of as many as 6 natural plant ingredients.

The main ingredients of the product:

Common nettle extract (150 mg) - supports detoxification and elimination of water from the body

Green tea extract (100 mg) – has antioxidant properties. It protects the body against the harmful effects of free radicals. It supports the fight against unnecessary kilograms, protects blood vessels and regulates digestive processes.

Goldenrod extract (30 mg) - helps remove excess water from the body and supports natural detoxification.

Prickly pear extract (100 mg) - supports fat metabolism and weight control and reduces appetite.

Grape seed extract (80 mg) - helps reduce cellulite and supports weight loss.

Dandelion extract (70 mg) – helps remove excess water from the body and supports natural detoxification.

Ingredients: common nettle herb extract (Urtica dioica), green tea leaf extract (Camellia sinensis), prickly pear fruit extract (Opuntia ficus-indica), grapevine seed extract (Vitis vinifera), dandelion root extract ( Taraxacum officinale), goldenrod herb extract (Solidago virgaurea), anti-caking agent - magnesium salts of fatty acids, capsule (gelatin, dye - titanium dioxide)
Portioning recommended
Every day with an appropriate amount of fluid. 1 capsule a day.

Store at room temperature, in a dry place, in a closed container, out of the reach of small children.

Nutritional values
Portion 1 cap
Number of servings in the package 30
Packaging 30caps
The content of one serving incl.:
Stinging nettle extract 150 mg
Green Tea Extract 100mg
Prickly pear extract 100 mg
Grape seed extract 80 mg
Dandelion extract 70 mg
Goldenrod extract 30 mg

2,499 kr
Showing 1-28 of 46 item(s)
