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Universal Nutrition

Animal Iconic Hoodie - Blue
9,999 kr
Super Cuts 3 - 130 tabs

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Fat Metabolizing Formula
Enhanced with L-Carnitine & Green Tea Extract

What It Is
Super Cuts 3 is a potent formula designed to help optimize fat metabolism, fat emulsification, fat burning, and enhance lean mass.

Who We Are
Universal Nutrition as been providing cutting edge and staple nutritional supplements to bodybuilders and hard training athletes the world over since 1977. As time passes, certain ideals never go our of style. Honestly. Integrity. Respect. These are the values we uphold and are the bedrock upon which we built our business.

6,999 kr
Animal Omega - 30 packs

EFAs are those necessary fats that we as humans are unable to synthesize in our bodies and must be obtained from either diet or supplementation. Just like essential amino acids (EAAs as found in Animal Nitro), and other essential micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals, we need optimum amounts in order for the body to function properly, let alone to make gains in lean mass. Getting the proper EFAs isn't always easy, especially when they are hard to obtain with a typical diet. A typical diet consists of an overabundance of saturated fats, trans fats, and those fats from plant sources (think of common cooking oils) usually overloaded with omega 6 compounds, as they are the easiest and most economical to get your hands on. Now don't get me wrong. Omega 6s are important, as they are EFAs too. But it's not just the types of fats. It's also the ratios. More on that later.

EFAs have been clinically proven to exert positive effects in many areas, including-balancing insulin levels, thermogenesis, anabolism, hormone synthesis, fertility, prostaglandin function, immune function, repair of cellular membranes, enabling cells to obtain optimum nutrition and more. For the bodybuilder, EFAs are vital for optimal metabolism, hormone production, cardiovascular health, peak performance, reducing exercise soreness and maximizing fat burning. It's a wonder why they are so overlooked and underutilized by the population.

For supplementation purposes there are only 2 types of fats that are needed; Omega 3's (n-3) and Omega 6's (n-6). Omega 9 is necessary, yet not essential because it can be made by the body in modest amounts. The reason why the body can't make an n-3 or n-6 fatty acid is that human metabolism can't add a double bond to a fatty acid that is more than 9 carbons away from the delta end (acid end). This is also the reason why the body can't convert an n-3 fatty acid to an n-6 fatty acid. Yeah, it sounds like science mumbo jumbo, but is important to see from a chemistry perspective why it's so hard to obtain the right EFAs from the diet.

This is where a supplement like Animal Omega comes into play. Sure, it ain't fancy. No cool bells and whistles here, just the basics. It's not going to "pack on 10 lb in a week" but long-term, it'll get ya to where ya want to be. EFAs are needed, not just any old EFAs, but the right kinds and the right amounts. That's what Animal Omega is all about. Omega is the most complete EFA product on the market. It contains the right fats that bodybuilders require. It's a full spectrum, molecularly distilled EFA supplement, each pack containing a precise and pre-dosed ratio of n-3 to n-6. It is packed with sources of Omega 3 oils extracted from various fish sources such as salmon, cod liver, herring, and plant-sourced omega 3s from flaxseed oil. Such a well-rounded mixture, ensures that you obtain all of the various n-3 extracts that are so important for general health. You get the balance of alpha linoleic acid from flax and the key fish oil extracts, EPA and DHA.

Animal Omega is then rounded out with key Omega 6 oils, including; borage, evening primrose, sesamin, and CLA. Linoleic acid is the other essential fatty acid found in nature. As said before, lack of n-6 in ones diet is hard to come by. However, there is a specific form of n-6, gamma linoneic acid or GLA, that is crucial for health. This is contained in ample doses in Omega. The body uses n-6 essential fatty acids to make various prostaglandins and leukotrienes. These substances influence inflammation and pain; some of them increase symptoms, while others decrease them.

Another n-6 found in Animal Omega is CLA. CLA, is touted for its ability to reduce body fat, being anti-catabolic, acting as an antioxidant and enhancing the immune system. Although exactly how CLA works is completely understood, it's been show by the research community that CLA positively influences the metabolism and assists with fat regulation and protein metabolism. CLA, though is not specifically an EFA, (it's a naturally occurring fatty acid found in meal and dairy) is an important addition to the Animal Omega formula as its health promoting properties were too good to pass up.

Sesamin is another hot ingredient added to the Omega formula. It's a naturally occurring lignan found in sesame oil. Research has shown sesamin can help maximize fat loss, support liver and kidney health and maintain healthy lipid profiles when combined along with other EFAs as found in Animal Omega. Sesamin is touted as a promising ingredient in the process of lean mass recomposition.

All of these potent fatty nutrients are supported by a comprehensive nutrient transport complex which allows for maximum absorption and utilization and transport of Omega's essential fatty acids. L-carnitine, lipase and lecithin make up the complex so you rest assured that the components that make up the n-3 and n-6 complexes are actually getting into your system efficiently and effectively. Another important aspect of this complex is the addition of important antioxidants, Vitamins A, D and E, which ensure EFA stability and prevents 'em from breaking down in the can. A must have for any type of EFA supplement. This translates to ultra potent softgels right from the get-go.

All in all, Animal Omega provides essential nutrition for the bodybuilder. It's loaded with all of the right fats, in a proper ratio of n-3 to n-6 to help support high quality metabolic functioning and body recomposition. It also supports cardio-vascular protection, a healthy immune system and overall health and well being. It won't change your physique overnight, but it will be an important addition to your long term physique goals.
Animal Omega FAQs
Q: When using Animal Omega, do I need to supplement with any other EFAs?

A: No. Animal Omega is complete and comprehensive. It makes EFA supplementation easy-just pop a pack and you're all covered. Keep in mind Animal Omega was not designed for the weekend warrior, but the serious lifter. If anything, you could double on the "packs", but for the majority, a single pack will be plenty.

Q: Can Animal Omega be stacked with other Animal supplements?

A: Absolutely. Animal Omega is a "foundational" supplement pack and can be stacked along with any of the other Animal supplements, with the possible exception for Animal Test. For best absorption, leave an hour in between the time you take the Omega and any other Animal supplement.

An ideal "foundational stack", a year round stack, would include Animal Omega (EFAs), Animal Pak (vits) and Animal Flex (joint).

Q: When should I take the Animal Omega?

A: For best absorption, Animal Omega should be taken with a meal (like Animal Pak), never on an empty stomach. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or any whole food meal will do the trick.

Q: Does Animal Omega have to be cycled?

A: Nope. Animal Omega, as it's a foundational supplement just like Animal Pak, can be taken year round, 365. The key fats found in Omega are absolutely "essential", so you want these all the time.

Q: How many pills are there in Animal Omega?

A: 7 softgels and 1 capsule. All moderately sized and specially coated.

Q: How long will Animal Omega last?

A: 30 packs total. At one pack per day, you're looking at about one month's worth of EFA supplementation.

Q: Why does Animal Omega contain flaxseed oil? If ALA has to convert (not efficiently) to DHA/EPA, why include flax at all, as shouldn't fish oil suffice?

A: In short, yes, the body converts ALA over to DHA and EPA, however, there are many other essential processes in the body that require straight ALA in order to properly function. Fish oil, though it is very beneficial in other areas, cannot provide straight ALA, as EPA and DHA cannot be converted reversibly back into ALA, and therefore a straight fish oil supplement deprives the consumer of critical ALA. Omega provides a balance of the two -- fish and flax -- to ensure that overall EFA intake is being covered and benefits will be obtained from all angles. We leave no stone unturned.

10,999 kr
4,999 kr
4,999 kr
Animal Lightweight Hoodie - Charcoal
9,999 kr
Collagen, 300g

Bone & Joint Health
Supports Healthy Connective Tissue
Supports Skin, Hair & Nails

WHO WE ARE Founded in 1977, we are a family-run company that has been formulating and manufacturing proven, quality nutritional products for health-conscious individuals. Our products are found in over 90 countries around the world. NATURAL LINE In this line, you'll find a full range of efficacious nutritional solutions ranging from vitamins and minerals to herbal formulations.

COLLAGEN Universal Collagen provides an excellent source of highly biovailable hydrolyzed collagen in an instantized and easy to mix powder. Universal Collagen is extremely versatile in its benefits, from helping support bone and joint health, healthy connective tissues, skin, hair and nail growth, in addition to aiding digestion and muscle recovery. Universal Collagen is easily digested and quickly absorbed by the body for maximum benefits.

5,999 kr
Animal Shaker, Black - 600 ml.
1,499 kr
Amino 2700 - 700 tabs

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Amino 2700 is a high potency, sustained release amino acid supplement packed with L-form and peptide-bonded amino acids. Amino acids are anabolic in nature and are essential for building strength and increasing lean muscle mass. Our amino acids are derived from whey protein concentrate (WPC) and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH) which allows for quicker assimilation into muscle tissue. Each tablet is packed with nearly 2,000 mg of amino acids; when taken prior to each meal, it becomes ideal for increasing overall amino intake throughout the day.

High Potency L-Form & Peptide-Bonded Aminos
2000mg of Amino Acids Per Tablet
Increase Strength & Reduce Recovery Time

20,999 kr
Carbo Plus, Unflavored - 1000g

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Dietary Supplement
Scientifically-Balanced 100% Pure Complex Carbohydrates

Who We Are Universal Nutrition has been providing cutting edge and staple nutritional supplements to bodybuilders and hard training athletes the world over since 1977. As time passes, certain ideals never go out of style. Honest. Integrity. Respect. These are the values we uphold and are the bedrock upon which we built our business. What It Is Designed for serious athletes Carbo Plus fuels your body with the purest premium complex carbohydrates available (consisting of granulated medium length complex carbohydrates (glucose polymers) extracted from selected grain sources and maltodextrin) without any added sweeteners, preservatives, simple sugar or artificial flavors. Carbo Plus fuels your body with glucose polymers, a direct precursor for glycogen synthesis in muscles. This is the most important source of energy to your muscle during strenuous exercise. By training with Carbo Plus you're allowing maximum replenishment of glycogen in your muscle and liver - leading to enhanced performance, faster muscle recovery and higher endurance levels. How We Back It Up What is on the label is in the bottle and what is in the bottle will help you reach your goals. We believe it and proudly stand behind every product we manufacture. Our world is our bond.

4,999 kr
Animal Energy - 60 caps

Having a hard time staying awake? Or maybe you are not motivated to go to the gym because you feel not energized? Universal Animal made it easy for you to channel the inner beast and go to the gym with explosive energy. And now you can take a shot of energy in pill form! Introducing the newest and best energy supplement, Universal Animal Energy!

Clean and effective energy
All day Energy
Small and Easy pill
Enhanced Focus
300mg of caffeine
Enhances Mood
Hunger Suppressant
Mild Weight Loss
Universal Animal Energy is the newest way to keep your focus and energy all day! It's a conveniently small and easy pill full of caffeine and other ingenders to give you that boost you need in the morning, or if you aren't feeling the gym and need something to wake up. Get it. Keep it!

Each pill of Universal Animal Energy has a blend of extreme energizing ingredients that work and kicks your body into gear, and keeps it going. Each serving has a blend of 750mg of power! Let's break it down!

How Much Caffeine is in Universal Animal Energy?

Good question! Animal Energy has a blend of 750mg, 300mg of that IS CAFFEINE. How amazing. Caffeine is known to be a natural hunger suppressant, so you might even lose a little weight from the lower calories you are eating.

L-tyrosine is the second ingredient and is an amino acid we already make in our bodies. You can also find it in dairy products and fish and helps with improved memory and alertness.

Coffee Bean Extract is the extract of green coffee beans! This has been used for years to support and aid in weight loss. And, you can lose some appetite so less eating!

Green Tea Extract is the extract of green tea and has a lot of health properties. Green tea is rich in antioxidants which play a part in improving the immune system. This also has a lot of caffeine in it and can aid in weight loss.

Yerba Mate are plants from a tree in Africa. These plants are naturally caffeinated and contain stimulants like coffee and tea.

Guarana is a plant from the Amazon that can help with weight loss, boosting athletic performance and even reduces fatigue.

4,499 kr
Amino 2700 - 350 tabs

Amino 2700 is a high potency, sustained release amino acid supplement packed with L-form and peptide-bonded amino acids. Amino acids are anabolic in nature and are essential for building strength and increasing lean muscle mass. Our amino acids are derived from whey protein concentrate (WPC) and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH) which allows for quicker assimilation into muscle tissue. Each tablet is packed with nearly 2,000 mg of amino acids; when taken prior to each meal, it becomes ideal for increasing overall amino intake throughout the day.

High Potency L-Form & Peptide-Bonded Aminos
2000mg of Amino Acids Per Tablet
Increase Strength & Reduce Recovery Time

11,999 kr
Amino 2700 - 120 tabs

Amino 2700 is a high potency, sustained release amino acid supplement packed with L-form and peptide-bonded amino acids. Amino acids are anabolic in nature and are essential for building strength and increasing lean muscle mass. Our amino acids are derived from whey protein concentrate (WPC) and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH) which allows for quicker assimilation into muscle tissue. Each tablet is packed with nearly 2,000 mg of amino acids; when taken prior to each meal, it becomes ideal for increasing overall amino intake throughout the day.

High Potency L-Form & Peptide-Bonded Aminos
2000mg of Amino Acids Per Tablet
Increase Strength & Reduce Recovery Time

5,999 kr
Storm - 750g

Muscle Cell Volumizer
6 Forms of Creatine
Patented MCC
Beta Alanine

Who We Are
Universal Nutrition has been providing cutting edge and staple nutritional supplements to bodybuilders and hard training athletes the world over since 1977. As time passes, certain ideals never got out of style. Honesty. Integrity. Respect. These are the values we uphold and are the bedrock upon which we built our business.

What It Is
If you want to enhance your performance in the gym and add serious size onto your frame, look no further than Storm. Storm is the most complete cell volumizing product on the market. Using diverse forms of creatine including patented magnesium creatine chelate, dicreatine malate, tricreatine matrix and the tried and true creatine monohydrate, Storm saturates your muscle tissue like no other. Storm employs a unique delivery technology called iNOXsulin-7 that speeds up absorption without the need for any unwanted glucose ingestion. INOXsulin-7 uses time released nitric oxide boosters and insulin potentiators to effectively shuttle the creatine into the muscle tissue during your "window of opportunity" that exists directly prior to and immediately after your workout. You can also expect incredible pumps from the no boosting complex that will help increase your energy levels in the gym. Creatine has come a long way in the last ten years. The newer generation forms of creatine, which are found in Storm, can offer better absorption and gains for a larger number of people, without the bloat. Storm makes sugar loaded creatine formulas a thing of the past.

How We Back It Up
What is on the label is in the bottle and what is in the bottle will help you reach your goals. We guarantee it.

Universal Nutrition
There are many supplement companies out there. Who do you trust? Most of the companies are marketing-only companies who rely on "contract manufacturers" to make their products. At Universal Nutrition, we are a GMP manufacturer. We don't just market our products, we make them too. We also stand behind every product we make with the best guarantee in the industry. This is our way of standing behind every product we sell. So whether you buy an Animal or Universal product, you can have all the confidence you need to make the right choices.

10,999 kr
Animal Iconic Red Tank Top
4,999 kr
Animal Iconic Hoodie - Navy blue
9,999 kr
Amino Tech - 375 tablets

Amino Tech from Universal is the world's first scientifically- engineered, comprehensive amino acid growth formula. With its revolutionary, high-tech anabolic nutrient complex, Amino Tech is specifically designed for bodybuilders and other strength athletes who are pushing their bodies to the limit. When you are training to develop a stronger body, it is essential to fuel your muscles at the cellular level. Amino Tech's sustained-release technology provides the necessary anabolic and metabolic optimization your body requires. Amino Tech's superior peptide-bonded amino acids are derived from the highest quality lactalbumin, pure egg white protein and superior isolated soy protein (the highest biological-value protein sources).

Comprehensive AA Profile.
Fuels Muscle Tissue.
Sustained-Release Technology.
Vitamins & Minerals.
Growth & Performance Potentiators.
Rich in BCAA's.

8,999 kr
Calcium, Zinc and Magnesium - 100 tabs

When it comes to bone health, calcium alone won't do. Our unique formula comes with 1000mg of calcium per serving plus co-factors such as boron, copper, magnesium and zinc.

2,999 kr
Showing 29-50 of 50 item(s)
