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Magnesium Bone Mineral Lotion + Calcium 180ml

Pioneering natural health company BetterYou has developed a scientifically magnesium chloride and calcium supplement for those who want to maximize their bone health conveniently and effectively. 


Peak bone mineral density is reached during your mid-twenties. After the age of 35 bone loss increases gradually as part of the natural aging process.

BetterYou’s new Magnesium Bone Lotion supports bone health with the combination of magnesium and calcium, expertly formulated at an optimal 1:1 ratio and blended with a hydrating lotion. Creating a unique way to supplement these two essential nutrients.

The lotion utilizes an oil in water formulation, unlike most lotions found on the market which are water in oil emulsions, giving the product a non-greasy feeling.  It also has an occlusive effect which increases the absorption of magnesium through the skin.

Despite calcium intake in the UK being amongst the highest in the world, we also have some of the highest rates of bone-related illness with over three million people estimated to suffer with osteoporosis, and more than 300,000 people experiencing fragility fractures from minor bumps or falls every year.

This is in part due to the low level of magnesium within modern diets and highlights the importance of supplementing calcium and magnesium together.

Magnesium stimulates the activity of cells critical to bone formation with magnesium deficient bones being larger, more brittle and susceptible to fractures.

1,999 kr
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